Tag Archives: evolution

“the ‘god’ part of the brain” and silly things like a soul

“The ‘god’ part of the brain” by Matthew Alper is on my list of books to read, he explains the premise at godpart.com. To sum it up; people are innately “hard-wired” to be religious, it’s how we evolved to deal with self-conscious awareness and death. For every cross-cultural behavior there must exist a specific part of the brain from which that behavior is generated. No matter how isolated people are we’ll still do and believe similar things. Think about it, how else could we come to terms with death? Life after death. The soul lives on. Although there’s no evidence of a soul or spirit, it’s only a metaphor for your self-conscious.
People believe they’re right even when they’re not, your brain wants to be right. Not only does your brain want to be right it craves it! But that’s a different book, “what makes your brain happy and why you should do the opposite” by David DiSalvo, in which he briefly touches on this subject. My point is you can make yourself “believe” whatever you want. Just because you “feel” god doesn’t make him exist. I could go on and on about the reasons why god can’t exist but I don’t want to rant, I just think everyone needs to read this book, believer or not. Please visit the website godpart.com he explains it in much more detail.


An Aspergers FTM (Transman) and his wife just making their way in this world

Muttered Musings Of An Unmuffled Mind

Nothing comes from nothing. Nothing ever could. So somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have done something good.

The World of the Transman

Information about Transgender Issues, Transman, FtM, Transgender, Transsexual Men, Transgender Leaders, Transgender Leadership


The story of a transformation


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For Folks Who Swim Outside of The Mainstream

Journey to Me

My FtM transition


in which I reflect upon gender, then go out & explore

Gender Outlaw

FTM Transition Blog

Transitional Life

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The Scribbles of a MAN in TRANSition


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Out of Bounds

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What...Me Sober?

Stumbling along the Middle Path, one day at a time.


Bringing glory to Earth's small and neglected creatures.